IVogel 2 gadi atpakaļ
9 mainītis faili ar 519 papildinājumiem un 0 dzēšanām
  1. 2 0
  2. 4 0
  3. 36 0
  4. 32 0
  5. BIN
  6. BIN
  7. 31 0
  8. 351 0
  9. 63 0

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+name = "lua-shared"
+version = "0.1.0"
+edition = "2021"

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# lua-shared
+Really simple wrapper around lua_shared(\_srv\_) that tries to not fuck your brains.
+Example usecase:
+use lua_shared as lua;
+use lua::cstr;
+use std::ffi::c_void;
+unsafe extern "C" fn fngmod13_open(state: *mut c_void) -> i32 {
+	lua::createtable(state, 0, 2);
+	lua::pushfunction(state, |_| {
+		println!("Hello there!");
+		Ok(0)
+	});
+	setfield(state, -2, cstr!("test_immutable_closure"));
+	fn  test_function(state: lua_State) -> Result {
+		println!("Hello there, but from functuin, I guess.");
+		Ok(0)
+	}
+	pushfunction(state, test_function);
+	setfield(state, -2, cstr!("test_immutable_function"));
+	let  mut  counter = 0;
+	pushfunction_mut(state, move |_| {
+		println!("Here is your counter!: {}", counter);
+		pushinteger(state, counter);
+		counter += 1;
+		Ok(1)
+	});
+	setfield(state, -2, cstr!("test_mutable_closure"));
+	setfield(state, lua::GLOBALSINDEX, cstr!("tests"));

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+use std::{env, path::PathBuf};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+    println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=build.rs");
+    let triple = &env::var("TARGET")?;
+    let mut target = triple.split("-");
+    let arch = target.next().unwrap_or("x86_64");
+    target.next();
+    let os = target.next().unwrap_or("linux");
+    let search_paths = match arch {
+        "i686" => &[".", "bin/", "bin/linux32/", "garrysmod/bin/"][..],
+        "x86_64" => &[".", "bin/linux64/", "linux64"][..],
+        _ => &[][..],
+    };
+    for search_path in search_paths {
+        println!("cargo:rustc-link-arg=-Wl,-rpath,{}", search_path);
+        println!("cargo:warning={:?}", search_path);
+    }
+    let mut link_search_path = PathBuf::from(&env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")?);
+    link_search_path.push("lib");
+    link_search_path.push(arch);
+    link_search_path.push(os);
+    println!("cargo:warning={:?}", &link_search_path);
+    if !link_search_path.exists() {
+        panic!("Unsupported platform");
+    }
+    println!(
+        "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}",
+        link_search_path.to_str().expect("wtf?")
+    );
+    Ok(())



+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use std::ffi::c_void;
+use crate::{lua_State, lua_dump, LError};
+// TODO: Make better writer error handling.
+pub unsafe fn dump<WRITER>(
+    state: lua_State,
+    buffer_writer: &mut WRITER,
+) -> std::result::Result<(), LError>
+    WRITER: std::io::Write,
+    unsafe extern "C" fn writer_callback<WRITER>(_: lua_State, data: *const u8, size: usize, userdata: *mut c_void) -> i32
+    where
+        WRITER: std::io::Write,
+    {
+        let writer = &mut *userdata.cast::<WRITER>();
+        match writer.write_all(std::slice::from_raw_parts(data, size)) {
+            Ok(_) => 0,
+            Err(_) => 1,
+        }
+    }
+    match lua_dump(
+        state,
+        writer_callback::<WRITER>,
+        buffer_writer as *mut WRITER as _,
+    ) {
+        0 => Ok(()),
+        any @ _ => Err(LError::DumpError(any)),
+    }

+ 351 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+use std::{ffi::c_void, hint::unreachable_unchecked};
+mod loadx;
+pub use loadx::loadx;
+mod dump;
+pub use dump::dump;
+macro_rules! pop {
+    ($L:expr, $n:expr) => {
+        $crate::settop($L, -($n) - 1)
+    };
+macro_rules! getglobal {
+    ($L:expr, $s:expr) => {
+        $crate::lua_getfield($L, $crate::GLOBALSINDEX, $s)
+    };
+macro_rules! setglobal {
+    ($L:expr, $s:expr) => {
+        $crate::lua_setfield($L, $crate::GLOBALSINDEX, $s)
+    };
+macro_rules! upvalueindex {
+    ($index:expr) => {
+        (-10002) - ($index)
+    };
+macro_rules! cstr {
+    ($str:expr) => {
+        concat!($str, "\0").as_ptr() as _
+    };
+pub static REGISTRYINDEX: i32 = -10000;
+pub static ENVIRONINDEX: i32 = -10001;
+pub static GLOBALSINDEX: i32 = -10002;
+pub type lua_State = *mut c_void;
+pub type lua_CFunction = unsafe extern "C" fn(state: lua_State) -> i32;
+pub type lua_Reader =
+    unsafe extern "C" fn(state: lua_State, userdata: *mut c_void, size: &mut usize) -> *const u8;
+pub type lua_Writer = unsafe extern "C" fn(
+    state: lua_State,
+    data: *const u8,
+    size: usize,
+    userdata: *mut c_void,
+) -> i32;
+pub type Result = std::result::Result<i32, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
+pub enum Status {
+    Ok = 0,
+    Yield = 1,
+    RuntimeError = 2,
+    SyntaxError = 3,
+    MemoryError = 4,
+    Error = 5,
+pub enum LError {
+    RuntimeError,
+    SyntaxError(String),
+    MemoryError(String),
+    DumpError(i32),
+pub enum LoadMode {
+    Any,
+    Binary,
+    Text,
+// LOL
+// This piece of "code" greatly reduces shit that needed to be in `build.rs`
+#[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_pointer_width = "32"))]
+#[link(name = ":lua_shared_srv.so", kind = "dylib")]
+extern "C" {}
+#[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
+#[link(name = ":lua_shared.so", kind = "dylib")]
+extern "C" {}
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+#[link(name = "lua_shared", kind = "dylib")]
+extern "C" {}
+extern "C" {
+    /// state manipulation
+    #[link_name = "luaL_newstate"]
+    pub fn newstate() -> lua_State;
+    #[link_name = "lua_close"]
+    pub fn close(state: lua_State);
+    #[link_name = "lua_newthread"]
+    pub fn newthread(state: lua_State) -> lua_State;
+    /// basic stack manipulation
+    #[link_name = "lua_gettop"]
+    pub fn gettop(state: lua_State);
+    #[link_name = "lua_settop"]
+    pub fn settop(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushvalue"]
+    pub fn pushvalue(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_remove"]
+    pub fn remove(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_insert"]
+    pub fn insert(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_replace"]
+    pub fn replace(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_checkstack"]
+    pub fn checkstack(state: lua_State, size: i32) -> bool;
+    /// access functions (stack -> C)
+    #[link_name = "lua_isnumber"]
+    pub fn isnumber(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_isstring"]
+    pub fn isstring(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_iscfunction"]
+    pub fn iscfunction(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_isuserdata"]
+    pub fn isuserdata(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_type"]
+    pub fn get_type(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> i32;
+    #[link_name = "lua_typename"]
+    pub fn typename(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> *const u8;
+    #[link_name = "lua_equal"]
+    pub fn equal(state: lua_State, index1: i32, index2: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_rawequal"]
+    pub fn rawequal(state: lua_State, index1: i32, index2: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_lessthan"]
+    pub fn lessthan(state: lua_State, index1: i32, index2: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_tonumber"]
+    pub fn tonumber(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> f64;
+    #[link_name = "lua_tointeger"]
+    pub fn tointeger(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> isize;
+    #[link_name = "lua_toboolean"]
+    pub fn toboolean(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "lua_tolstring"]
+    pub fn tolstring(state: lua_State, index: i32, len: &mut usize) -> *const u8;
+    #[link_name = "lua_objlen"]
+    pub fn objlen(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> usize;
+    #[link_name = "lua_tocfunction"]
+    pub fn tocfunction(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> Option<lua_CFunction>;
+    #[link_name = "lua_touserdata"]
+    pub fn touserdata(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> *mut c_void;
+    #[link_name = "lua_tothread"]
+    pub fn tothread(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> lua_State;
+    #[link_name = "lua_topointer"]
+    pub fn topointer(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> *const c_void;
+    /// push functions (C -> stack)
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushnil"]
+    pub fn pushnil(state: lua_State);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushnumber"]
+    pub fn pushnumber(state: lua_State, number: f64);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushinteger"]
+    pub fn pushinteger(state: lua_State, integer: isize);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushlstring"]
+    pub fn pushlstring(state: lua_State, str: *const u8, len: usize);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushstring"]
+    pub fn pushstring(state: lua_State, str: *const u8);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushcclosure"]
+    pub fn pushcclosure(state: lua_State, func: lua_CFunction, upvalues: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushboolean"]
+    pub fn pushboolean(state: lua_State, bool: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushlightuserdata"]
+    pub fn pushlightuserdata(state: lua_State, ptr: *const c_void);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pushthread"]
+    pub fn pushthread(state: lua_State) -> i32;
+    /// get functions (Lua -> stack)
+    #[link_name = "lua_gettable"]
+    pub fn gettable(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_getfield"]
+    pub fn getfield(state: lua_State, index: i32, str: *const u8);
+    #[link_name = "lua_rawget"]
+    pub fn rawget(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_rawgeti"]
+    pub fn rawgeti(state: lua_State, index: i32, slot: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_createtable"]
+    pub fn createtable(state: lua_State, array: i32, hash: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_newuserdata"]
+    pub fn newuserdata(state: lua_State, size: usize) -> *mut c_void;
+    #[link_name = "lua_getmetatable"]
+    pub fn getmetatable(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> i32;
+    #[link_name = "lua_getfenv"]
+    pub fn getfenv(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    /// set functions (stack -> Lua)
+    #[link_name = "lua_settable"]
+    pub fn settable(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_setfield"]
+    pub fn setfield(state: lua_State, index: i32, str: *const u8);
+    #[link_name = "lua_rawset"]
+    pub fn rawset(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_rawseti"]
+    pub fn rawseti(state: lua_State, index: i32, slot: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_setmetatable"]
+    pub fn setmetatable(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> i32;
+    #[link_name = "lua_setfenv"]
+    pub fn setfenv(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> i32;
+    /// `load' and `call' functions (load and run Lua code)
+    #[link_name = "lua_call"]
+    pub fn call(state: lua_State, nargs: i32, nrets: i32);
+    #[link_name = "lua_pcall"]
+    pub fn pcall(state: lua_State, nargs: i32, nrets: i32, errfunc: i32) -> Status;
+    fn lua_loadx(
+        state: lua_State,
+        reader: lua_Reader,
+        userdata: *mut c_void,
+        chunk_name: *const u8,
+        mode: *const u8,
+    ) -> Status;
+    fn lua_dump(state: lua_State, writer: lua_Writer, userdata: *mut c_void) -> i32;
+    /// miscellaneous functions
+    #[link_name = "lua_error"]
+    fn lua_error(state: lua_State) -> i32;
+    // #[link_name = "lua_next"]
+    // fn lua_next(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> i32;
+    // #[link_name = "lua_concat"]
+    // fn lua_concat(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    /// lauxlib
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checklstring"]
+    pub fn Lchecklstring(state: lua_State, index: i32, length: &mut usize) -> *const u8;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_optlstring"]
+    pub fn Loptlstring(
+        state: lua_State,
+        index: i32,
+        default: *const u8,
+        length: &mut usize,
+    ) -> *const u8;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checknumber"]
+    pub fn Lchecknumber(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> f64;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_optnumber"]
+    pub fn Loptnumber(state: lua_State, index: i32, default: f64) -> f64;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checkinteger"]
+    pub fn Lcheckinteger(state: lua_State, index: i32) -> isize;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_optinteger"]
+    pub fn Loptinteger(state: lua_State, index: i32, default: isize) -> isize;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checkstack"]
+    pub fn Lcheckstack(state: lua_State, size: i32, msg: *const u8);
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checktype"]
+    pub fn Lchecktype(state: lua_State, index: i32, typ: i32);
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checkany"]
+    pub fn Lcheckany(state: lua_State, index: i32);
+    #[link_name = "luaL_newmetatable"]
+    pub fn Lnewmetatable(state: lua_State, type_name: *const u8) -> bool;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_checkudata"]
+    pub fn Lcheckudata(state: lua_State, index: i32, type_name: *const u8) -> *mut c_void;
+    #[link_name = "luaL_where"]
+    pub fn Lpush_where(state: lua_State, level: i32);
+    #[link_name = "luaL_error"]
+    pub fn Lerror(state: lua_State, fmt: *const u8, ...) -> i32;
+unsafe fn create_callback<FUNC>(state: lua_State, callback: FUNC)
+    FUNC: 'static + FnMut(lua_State) -> Result,
+    unsafe extern "C" fn call_callback<FUNC>(state: lua_State) -> i32
+    where
+        FUNC: 'static + FnMut(lua_State) -> Result,
+    {
+        let callback_ptr = touserdata(state, upvalueindex!(1));
+        match (&mut *callback_ptr.cast::<FUNC>())(state) {
+            Ok(nrets) => nrets,
+            Err(err) => {
+                let error = err.to_string();
+                std::mem::drop(err);
+                pushlstring(state, error.as_bytes().as_ptr(), error.as_bytes().len());
+                std::mem::drop(error);
+                lua_error(state);
+                unreachable_unchecked();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    unsafe extern "C" fn cleanup_callback<FUNC>(state: lua_State) -> i32
+    where
+        FUNC: 'static + FnMut(lua_State) -> Result,
+    {
+        let callback_ptr = touserdata(state, 1);
+        let _ = callback_ptr.cast::<FUNC>().read();
+        0
+    }
+    let udata_ptr = newuserdata(state, std::mem::size_of::<FUNC>()).cast::<FUNC>();
+    udata_ptr.write(callback);
+    createtable(state, 0, 1);
+    pushcclosure(state, cleanup_callback::<FUNC>, 0);
+    setfield(state, -2, cstr!("__gc"));
+    setmetatable(state, -2);
+    pushcclosure(state, call_callback::<FUNC>, 1);
+/// Adds pure rust function as a callback to lua.
+/// # Example
+/// ```
+/// let state = newstate();
+/// createtable(state, 0, 2);
+/// pushfunction(state, |_| {
+///     println!("Hello there!");
+///     Ok(0)
+/// });
+/// setfield(state, -2, cstr!("test_immutable_closure"));
+/// fn test_function(state: lua_State) -> Result {
+///     println!("Hello there, but from functuin, I guess.");
+///     Ok(0)
+/// }
+/// pushfunction(state, test_function);
+/// setfield(state, -2, cstr!("test_immutable_function"));
+/// let mut counter = 0;
+/// pushfunction_mut(state, move |_| {
+///     println!("Here is yout counter!: {}", counter);
+///     pushinteger(state, counter);
+///     counter += 1;
+///     Ok(1)
+/// });
+/// setfield(state, -2, cstr!("test_mutable_closure"));
+/// setfield(state, GLOBALSINDEX, cstr!("tests"));
+/// ```
+pub unsafe fn pushfunction<FUNC>(state: lua_State, func: FUNC)
+    FUNC: 'static + FnMut(lua_State) -> Result,
+    create_callback(state, func);

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use std::{ffi::c_void, hint::unreachable_unchecked};
+use crate::{lua_State, LError, lua_loadx, Status, tolstring, pop};
+pub unsafe fn loadx<READER>(
+    state: lua_State,
+    reader: &mut READER,
+    chunk_name: *const u8,
+    mode: *const u8,
+) -> std::result::Result<(), LError>
+    READER: std::io::Read,
+    struct ReaderState<'a, READER>
+    where
+        READER: std::io::Read,
+    {
+        buffer: [u8; 4096],
+        reader: &'a mut READER,
+    }
+    unsafe extern "C" fn reader_callback<READER>(_: lua_State, userdata: *mut c_void, size: &mut usize) -> *const u8
+    where
+        READER: std::io::Read,
+    {
+        let reader = &mut *userdata.cast::<ReaderState<READER>>();
+        *size = reader.reader.read(&mut reader.buffer).unwrap_or(0);
+        reader.buffer.as_ptr()
+    }
+    let mut reader_state = Box::new(ReaderState {
+        buffer: [0; 4096],
+        reader: reader,
+    });
+    match lua_loadx(
+        state,
+        reader_callback::<READER>,
+        reader_state.as_mut() as *mut ReaderState<READER> as _,
+        chunk_name,
+        mode,
+    ) {
+        Status::Ok => Ok(()),
+        Status::SyntaxError => {
+            let mut len = 0;
+            let err = std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(std::slice::from_raw_parts(
+                tolstring(state, -1, &mut len),
+                len,
+            ))
+            .to_string();
+            pop!(state, 1);
+            Err(LError::SyntaxError(err))
+        }
+        Status::MemoryError => {
+            let mut len = 0;
+            let err = std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(std::slice::from_raw_parts(
+                tolstring(state, -1, &mut len),
+                len,
+            ))
+            .to_string();
+            pop!(state, 1);
+            Err(LError::MemoryError(err))
+        }
+        _ => unreachable_unchecked(),
+    }